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During York CNC 2024, participating organizations will be holding events to connect you with nature. Check out when and where these events are happening below. When connecting to nature in your local area, we encourage participants to walk, bike, or take public transportation to these events. Make looking for nature along the way part of your journey!


Even if you can't make it to any of these events, remember you can participate in your own home or garden by taking photos of WILD plants and animals and uploading to iNaturalist. 

CNC Events

CNC Launch Event!

The inaugural York City Nature Challenge 2024 will be holding a launch event on Friday 26th April from 12:30 - 1:30pm. Join us for tea, coffee and cake in the Marriott Room at the York Explore Library. Follow this link for accessibility information.


We will talk about City Nature Challenge, participating organizations events, and how to make observations. Prizes for the first 20 people with 10 iNaturalist observations made on the 26th! Sign up to attend here!


Click on the icon to download

a CNC Launch poster. 


York Cares

York Cares in partnership with Friends of Rowntree Park will be hosting an event on Friday 26 April, 1pm - 3pm, to capture data in Rowntree Park as part of the City Nature Challenge. Meet at the store room underneath the cafe. Please contact if you would like to participate. Follow this link for accessibility information.  

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Rowntree Park

There will be a range of events and activities happening in Rowntree Park. In addition to an information stall running 11-3pm Saturday and Sunday where ID sheets and bug hunt kits can be borrowed from, there will be a Bat Walk, A Mini Beast Hunt, Pond Dipping sessions, and a Breakfast with the Birds event in conjunction with the RSPB. Follow this link for Rowntree Park accessibility information


Click on the icon to download

Rowntree Park CNC information!


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Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust will be at two sites (Moorlands and Askham Bog) during CNC with engaging events and activities. Accessibility information is available by clicking on the link for each site above. Free, but advance booking is essential!


Askham Bog Nature Reserve (click to book)

Friday 26 April 2024 - Sunday 28 April 2024

Two walks a day at 11am and 1pm


Moorlands Nature Reserve (click to book)

Friday 26 April 2024 - Sunday 28 April 2024

Two walks a day at 11am and 1pm


​Wildlife Discovery Sessions at Askham Bog:

Drop in on Sunday 28th April between -

  • 9:30am and 11am to 'Meet the Moths and Mammals' with Prof. Alastair Fitter, Dr. Geoff Oxford and Ann Hanson from Yorkshire Naturalists' Union

  • 11:30am and 1pm to 'Spy on Spiders' with Geoff. No need to book, just drop-in.



University of York

The University of York will be hosting biodiversity walks on:


Follow this link for accessibility information.  


River Foss Society

The River Foss Society will be holding activities along the River Foss between New Earswick and Strensall on 27-29 April, 2024 between 10:30 and 14:30. See locations below. 


Saturday 27th April (10:30 to 14:30) in the car park of All Saints Church, Huntington.  What3Words: leads.using.square


Sunday 28th April (1030 to 1430) by Haxby Weir on the Earswick village side.

What3Words: artichoke.clinking.elevate for the parking CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER


Monday 29th April (10:30 to 14:30) in New Earswick on the riverbank between the Link Road bridge and Lockkeeper’s Cottage. 


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City of York Council

The City of York Council would like to encourage people to record pollinators (bees, hoverflies, butterflies, etc.) in their gardens, parks, nature sites etc. and the common plants (weeds) found along urban streets. These observations will fill in gaps in existing data. The CYC is also seeking baseline biodiversity data on the following:


The shorter grass areas on:

  • the little and large Knavesmire

  • Bowling Green at Clarence Gardens

  • Acomb Green in Westfield

  • Millenium Bridge to Bishopthorpe Rd side to Terry’s snicket


The CYC are considering conversion to meadow and expanding the longer grass at the margins, so it will help to know what flora and fauna are there now, and how that changes over time. 


Greener Cleaner Fulford has planted wildflowers on Heslington Lane, on the verge in the central reservation near the junction with Broadway. It’s marked with signage that shows where the wild-flowering has taken place. Any observations here would help set a baseline to see future progress.


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York Naturalists' Group

Interested in a York Naturalists’ Group? Come to Spark at 5pm on Sunday 28 April.


York used to have a Field Naturalists’ Society but sadly that ceased to operate over 20 years ago.  If you’re interested in natural history and live in or near York, please come along and join the discussion. The York and District Field Naturalists’ Society was founded exactly 150 years ago so it’s perhaps time to commemorate that with a re-launch!


There will be an open meeting at Spark, Piccadilly YO1 9PB at 5 pm on Sunday 28 April to gauge enthusiasm for this. We will talk about what things people would like such a group to do and also look to see if there is enough support.


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Green Corridors York – St Nicks

Come along and discover what species are here in York while also helping us gather important info for our green corridors! We are hosting 3 events during the City Nature Challenge:



Everyone is welcome!

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The Foss Fairy Trail

Check out the Foss Fairy Trail Festival on Saturday 27th April (1-3pm) with crafting, story-telling and connecting to nature with the York Birds of Prey Centre! 


Click on the icon to download

Festival information!

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Bat Walk at Clifton Bridge with the

North Yorkshire Bat Group

We will meet at the southern end of Marygate car park, Frederic Street, York YO30 7DT (what3words ///delay.zeal.frogs) at 8:20pm on the evening of Saturday 27th April. Parking charges apply if leaving your car here. We will walk west along the riverbank away from the city centre, listening for bats foraging over the water. We will return by the same route and be back at the car park around 10:00pm.
As places are limited due to the number of bat detectors, please book onto the walk by emailing

A picture of a hanging bat.

Friends of York Cemetery

Friends of York Cemetery will be organizing a walk on Sunday 28th April from 11am to 1pm (2 hours) at York Cemetery. Follow this link for accessibility information.  

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York College

York College is committed to improving the biodiversity of its estate. To understand how changes that are being made impact on the biodiversity of the estate and to ensure that there is careful management of the land to achieve on-going improvements in Biodiversity Index.


We welcome all observations made within our boundaries as we are starting from a low base. Anyone, from experts in birds, bugs and plants, to interested non-specialists is asked to make observations on our land at any time, but especially during the CNC in April 2024. York College also has a project on iNaturalist here


Friday April 26th (12.15 to 13.15): Help launch the CNC in York and the College to identify the flora and fauna that live within its estate. 


Monday April 29th (12.15 to 13.15): Help finish the CNC in York with a bang! The College will continue to identify the flora and fauna that live within its estate in the future so welcome any and all.


Meet Debi Saunders and other students and staff who have learned to use the  apps (iNaturalist and Seek) and start to make observations that count towards the CNC.



The entrance to the Forest School from the Knavesmire. (What 3 words -



No parking within 0.5 miles. Best to arrive on foot, public transport (No 3 to Askham Bar) or cycle.


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York Bike Belles

York Bike Belles CIC is launching an exciting new project in May 2024 to support nature and people in York, called "Take the Green Route!. The two-year project will enable a wide range of local people to enjoy nature-friendly walking, wheeling and cycling lifestyles across York.The project will work along Green Routes in the south of the city. 


York Bike Belles would love you to explore, identify and record nature on your regular walks and rides along Green Routes as part of the CNC. They'll use this new nature information to help inform the project over the next 2 years. Here's a link to a draft Map of the Project Area. All current information is at

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York Sustainability Map

The York Sustainability Map (an initiative by the Green Impact team of Environment & Geography students and staff at the University of York) is a dynamic map of information to help people in York lead more sustainable lives through mindful use of resources, such as sharing, donating, fixing/repairing, green gardening, recycling and much more! The map will get regularly updated by insights from the public (using this form) about places and spaces that help make the green transition an accessible reality! Thank you for joining in!



Friends of Severus Hill

Friends of Severus Hill are a community-led not-for-profit organisation. Founded in 2024 with the primary aim to raise awareness and funds to acquire and further conserve Severus Hill for the community. Ensuring its environmental, natural and historical significance are protected and celebrated for future generations. Please support if you can -


Currently Severus Hill is not public access so the Friends of Severus Hill are encouraging you to take a looping walk around the perimeter of the site and see what you can spot in this naturally wild space. Please support their campaign to save the hill and enable the site to fully be part of the York City Nature Challenge in future years.


Visit their social media @severushill to enter a competition to win a NIGHT VISION WILDLIFE CAMERA.


Participating organizations:

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York City Nature Challenge aims to provide a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of circumstance and ability. If you have any comments and or suggestions relating to improving the accessibility of our site, please contact us. Your feedback will help us make improvements.

© 2023 by York City Nature Challenge. Powered and secured by Wix

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